Monthly Archive:: June 2014
11 Jun 2014
13 Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn

Just about near the stomach opening is a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter whose purpose is to prevent the food in the stomach from going back again into the esophagus. However, sometimes this valve doesn’t function properly wherein the stomach acid moves back into the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the chest called
10 Jun 2014
7 Incredible Benefits of Avocado that You Should Know
Did you know in South America because of its rough textured skin, which is dark green in color, avocado is called the alligator pear? While you may know avocado is healthy, you may not know that many nutritional experts consider avocado to be a superfood. Hence, using this fruit and its oil can have many
10 Jun 2014
8 Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice that You Did Not Know
Are you looking to detoxify your body while enjoying several other health benefits? If you have answered in affirmative, you definitely need to get to know wheatgrass better and how it can improve your health. Thanks to the presence of protein, Vitamin B12, calcium, Beta-carotene, iron, magnesium and phosphorus in wheatgrass makes it extremely
10 Jun 2014
Benefits of Breastfeeding: Why Should You Breastfeed Your Newborn
Are you welcoming a new baby into your family? If yes, here are some pearls of wisdom you should take very seriously. You should exclusively breastfeed your baby for the initial six months after birth. Breast milk has all the nutrients your baby needs, but there are more benefits of breastfeeding, besides meeting the nutritional
10 Jun 2014
Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
The human urinary tract comprises of the bladder and kidneys. An infection in any of these organs is termed as a urinary tract infection however generally the problem seems to be more in the bladder. UTI occurs more frequently in women than men apparently because women have shorter urethra so bacteria’s gain easier passage
09 Jun 2014
10 Home Remedies for Acne
Acne is a common skin ailment which affects nearly everyone at some time or the other. Acne as such is not harmful but the ugly marks and blemishes that they leave behind on the skin somehow mar one’s beauty. The scars that remain take a long time to heal further adding to our woes. If
08 Jun 2014
16 Benefits of Fish Oil that Will Amaze You
Fish oil is oil derived from the fatty layers of the cold-water fish. The oil contains a long chain of omega 3 fatty acids, which are highly essential to the human health. The oil gained popularity when it first became the source of vitamin D in the 19th century England. Fish oil is basically omega
07 Jun 2014
14 Reasons Why You Need Ginger
Ginger is a rhizome, commonly used as a spice in Indian cuisine. This herb belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, its scientific name being Zingiber officinale. It is believed to have been originated in South East Asia from where it spread across Asia and other tropical regions. It has been used since time immemorial in Indian
07 Jun 2014
15 benefits of chia seeds that you are not aware of
Chia is an edible seed belonging to a flowering plant from the mint family. The seed is native to Mexico and has been a staple in the Aztec and Mayan diet for centuries. Back then also, chia seed was considered a super food owing to its medicinal properties. The Aztec warriors used chia seeds as
02 Jun 2014
Best Weight Loss Diet Plans
Losing weight has become one of the most popular interests today. It is not only the women obsessing about their figures but men as well. As a result, various weight loss programs, exercise regimes and diet plans have emerged to answer the ever prevailing problem of weight gain. With the emergence of all the available