Conditions Archive
25 Feb 2015
Top 20 Foods To Prevent Cancer

The 20 Best Foods To Prevent And Combat Cancer Cancer is lethal and deadly. Along with following the medications and chemotherapy, a patient should pay considerable attention towards the right nourishment to ensure that he/she can put up the fight in a stronger way. Studies suggest that a good nutrition can increase the odds
20 Feb 2015
30 Effective Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis
30 Natural Ways For Curing Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, also called as Madras Eye or Pink eye, is an uncomfortable eye condition that leaves you irritated and upset. It is characterized by the following set of symptoms: A redness inside the whitish area of your eye and/or on the inner eyelids Increased secretion of tears A
11 Jul 2014
Common Heart Disease Signs and Their Treatment

Heart disease doesn’t refer to a single disease; rather it refers to a group of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. The numerous diseases that fall under its ambit include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke, heart infections etc. Although heart disease is more prevalent among the older population, today the younger populace is
03 Jul 2014
Diabetes 1 – Symptoms and Prevention

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes 1 or Diabetes Mellitus is a form of diabetes where the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas is destroyed resulting in the body producing insufficient insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is required to convert sugar and starch into energy since our body cannot directly utilize the sugar/glucose
19 Jun 2014
Yeast Infection – Symptoms and Treatment
What is Yeast Infection? Yeast infection or candidiasis as it is technically referred to, is a kind of fungal infection that affects humans. Candidia yeast is normally found in the body of humans but their growth is limited by the immune responses of the individual. Healthy bacteria present in our body also help to
17 Jun 2014
16 Amazing Home Remedies For Treating Lice
Lice are tiny, wingless parasites that live on the scalp and hair shaft and feed on human blood. These tiny menaces can evade the head and even home if left unchecked. People, mostly kids, usually get lice from coming in contact with the infected person in school, sleepovers and social gatherings. Sharing combs and hair