Monthly Archive:: July 2014
11 Jul 2014
Common Heart Disease Signs and Their Treatment

Heart disease doesn’t refer to a single disease; rather it refers to a group of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. The numerous diseases that fall under its ambit include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke, heart infections etc. Although heart disease is more prevalent among the older population, today the younger populace is
07 Jul 2014
18 Super-Foods for Glowing Skin
It is true that cosmetics can make us look beautiful and young for the time-being but no amount of botox or expensive creams will show any outcome in the long-run unless and until our skin is well-nourished from within. Cosmetics can only be applied on the outside of the skin while foods have the
04 Jul 2014
Top 20 Foods for Weight Loss
There is no shortcut to losing weight. You have to exercise and maintain a strict control on your diet – only then can you expect to see some positive results. Though losing weight involves a lot of sweat it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to starve yourself. Partaking of a wholesome diet rich in fruits,
03 Jul 2014
19 Incredible Health benefits of Honey
Honey is a natural sugar made by bees using the nectar from the flowers. It has been used since time immemorial by the countless cultures all over the world to treat a variety of ailments. There is no region in the world where honey is not used. Honey is known by different names in different
03 Jul 2014
19 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon That You Did Not Know About

Cinnamon, scientifically known as Cinnamomum, is one of the oldest spices known to the human kind. It is a brown bark of the cinnamon tea. Cinnamon tree is native to South America, South East Asia and Caribbean. The ancient Egyptians have consumed this spice since 2000 BC as an embalming agent. In fact, this treasured
03 Jul 2014
Diabetes 1 – Symptoms and Prevention

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes 1 or Diabetes Mellitus is a form of diabetes where the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas is destroyed resulting in the body producing insufficient insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is required to convert sugar and starch into energy since our body cannot directly utilize the sugar/glucose
02 Jul 2014
14 Wonderful Foods for the Brain
Just as our body needs food to survive, so also our brain needs food to perform well. But that doesn’t mean we consume any which food to meet our brains requirement. There are certain foods which are specifically rich in nutrients that are essential to the proper functioning of the brain. Consuming them assumes importance