Top 20 Foods for Weight Loss

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There is no shortcut to losing weight. You have to exercise and maintain a strict control on your diet – only then can you expect to see some positive results. Though losing weight involves a lot of sweat it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to starve yourself. Partaking of a wholesome diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts will apart from keeping you healthy will also aid you in your weight loss goals. If you wish to hasten up your weight loss program a bit, do remember to add the below mentioned foods in your diet which is a step ahead in the right direction.

1.      Oats

Oats contain protein, complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, the triumvirate of which combines to promote a feeling of satiety in the individual consuming it and ward off those unnecessary hunger pangs. Complex carbohydrates allow energy to slowly enter the bloodstream thus providing a steady stream of energy for s longer duration. When the fiber content is more the food gets digested slowly and also stays for a longer time in the stomach. Thus a person feels less hungry and is in a better position to increase the gap between two meals.

2.      Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a wonderful source of low-calorie food. A cup of mushrooms contains only about 25 calories. At a fraction of the calories of normal foods, mushrooms can satisfy your food cravings while taking care of your weight-loss plans. Mushrooms are a rich source of potassium, thus it can prevent water retention by the body and ease up bloating symptoms.

3.      Brown Rice

Brown rice contains complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber both of which are essential to weight loss. When a person eats a food rich in fiber content he feels satiated for a longer time. It is because the fiber as it moves through the gut absorbs water along the way and moves sluggishly through the system. Thus one feels satiated and consumes fewer calories. In addition to this, brown rice being rich in phosphorous, iron and magnesium is a good source of nutrients.

4.      Beans

Beans are one of the most inexpensive ways to incorporate protein into one’s diet. A cup of beans packs in a protein punch at 15 gms. Beans do not contain any saturated fats making them a healthy alternative to eating protein rich foods that contain saturated fats. As they are rich in fiber they keep you full thus preventing you from eating more and piling on those excess pounds. The proteins will tone up your muscles and keep you looking fit.

5.      Nuts

For your afternoon or evening snack you can have a couple of almonds and pistachios as compared to other nuts these are low in calories and fat.  These nuts are also high in fiber and protein.  The fiber will slow down digestion while the proteins will activate the satiety center of the brain.

6.      Salads

Having a big bowl of salad before your meal can curb your calorie intake and help you lose weight. The volume of the salad will keep you full and thus you would automatically eat less. Salad also provides you with adequate doses of vitamins C, vitamin E, folic acid, lycopene, and carotenoids all of which are excellent disease fighters.

7.      Eggs

Studies have shown that people who had a hearty breakfast of eggs felt full for a longer time thus reducing the chances of a person bingeing on unhealthy snacks. Research also indicates that the proteins in eggs prevent undue spikes in sugar levels that can make a person feel hungry. Therefore adding eggs to your menu not only makes for a filling meal but also helps you to keep your weight in check.

8.      Avocadoes

There is no doubt that avocadoes are high calories foods with 100 gm of avocadoes contributing around 160 calories, yet it is to be noted that about two-third of these calories are from oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat. The oleic acid is known to quiet hunger pangs. Avocadoes contain potassium which regulates the fluid balance in the body. The healthy fats, proteins and fiber and present in avocadoes go on to make it one of the most sought after food by a weight-watcher.

9.      Salmon

Salmon is rich MUFAs or monounsaturated fatty acids. No doubt these are fats but they are good fats which do the body a wealth of benefit. MUFAs increase the metabolism thus our body is able to burn fats and calories at a quicker pace. Salmons add a healthy dose of proteins which significantly curb food cravings in between meals.

10.  Apples

Increasing the amount of fiber intake helps to curb appetite as a person stays full for a longer period of time. Containing  about 4 gms of fiber, a medium sized apple can help you feel full and curb those hunger pangs. But you need to have whole apples instead of apple juice or applesauce as the satiety center registers the instance of chewing better than the mere act of drinking.  The pectin in apples have the potential to decrease the blood sugar levels which means you do not feel the urge to eat often between meals.

11.  Green Tea

Green tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which enhance the process of fat burning consequently contributing to weight loss. The catechins present in green tea are especially known to target fat cells. Drinking a cup of green tea daily will not only provide you with some lethal antioxidants but also help you in your pursuit of that perfect figure.

12.   Leafy Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and lettuce should regularly contribute to your diet if you wish to shed all those extra weight. These low-calorie foods are fiber-rich and contain a ton of nutrients which help deal with water retention problems.

13.  Pears

An average pear contains about 6 gm of fiber which is about 2 gms more than what an average apple contains. The dietary fibers in pears ensure that you feel satisfied for a longer duration after consuming it. Pears like apples contain pectin which helps to reduce the blood sugar levels thus doing away with the need of bingeing in between meals.

14.  Soup

Having a bowl of soup before you have your main course can aid you in your weight loss plans. A nutritious bowl of soup will not only satisfy you but also signal to your brain that you are full. Thus when the main course arrives you naturally consume fewer calories.

15.  Chili Peppers

Adding chilies to one’s diet can increase the metabolic rate which helps to burn fat quicker. A Japanese study that was conducted on a test group found that the women who were given chili peppers with their breakfast ate less during lunchtime. This can be attributed to the ingredient capsaicin present in chili peppers which apparently suppresses appetite.

16.  Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of those special cases where an oil help a person to lose weight. Olive oil consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids which fight off hunger pangs well. Olive oil also contains oleic acid which aids in the breakdown of fats and ensures their removal from the body.

17.   Kelp

This seaweed contains certain minerals which help in the breakdown of fat molecules. They are also known to relieve instances of water retention. Kelp is a wonderful source of iodine which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. An active thyroid gland signifies an active metabolism which means faster burning of fat.

18.  Bananas

There is a misconception regarding bananas that they are a contributor to weight gain. Actually it is not so. The carbohydrates present in banana release energy slowly into the system. The fiber in bananas keep one full and the potassium content of bananas ensure that water doesn’t get retained in the body.

19.  Watercress

Watercress is a good source of iodine that is required for proper metabolic function. Including this in your diet will keep your metabolic rate high which will enable greater burning of fat. Watercress has good diuretic properties hence they allow easy removal of water from the system reducing the chances of bloating.

20.  Leeks

Leeks are another great source of low-calorie foods. Being high in fiber content leeks add bulk to one’s food and enable slow digestion. Manganese and iron present in leeks is known to control blood sugar levels as well as manage metabolism.