Health Care Archive
20 Mar 2015
The Best Thigh Toning Exercises

The 4 Thigh Toning Exercises You Ought To Try Out Shapely thighs are every woman’s dreams. Akin to your belly, the fat that gets accumulated in the thighs are also stubborn in nature. That is why you really need to work hard to tone them to give them a leaner look. Try this 10 minute
25 Feb 2015
Top 20 Foods To Prevent Cancer

The 20 Best Foods To Prevent And Combat Cancer Cancer is lethal and deadly. Along with following the medications and chemotherapy, a patient should pay considerable attention towards the right nourishment to ensure that he/she can put up the fight in a stronger way. Studies suggest that a good nutrition can increase the odds
20 Feb 2015
30 Effective Home Remedies For Conjunctivitis
30 Natural Ways For Curing Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, also called as Madras Eye or Pink eye, is an uncomfortable eye condition that leaves you irritated and upset. It is characterized by the following set of symptoms: A redness inside the whitish area of your eye and/or on the inner eyelids Increased secretion of tears A
05 Feb 2015
Top 50 Inspirational Weight Loss Quotes

Weight loss, weight loss, and weight loss! I feel it is the most common topic of debate and discussion wherever you go. There are countless books written on it; every other gym and every other fitness center gives you special weight loss package. However, to achieve your dream body, there is something that goes much
11 Jul 2014
Common Heart Disease Signs and Their Treatment

Heart disease doesn’t refer to a single disease; rather it refers to a group of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. The numerous diseases that fall under its ambit include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke, heart infections etc. Although heart disease is more prevalent among the older population, today the younger populace is
03 Jul 2014
19 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon That You Did Not Know About

Cinnamon, scientifically known as Cinnamomum, is one of the oldest spices known to the human kind. It is a brown bark of the cinnamon tea. Cinnamon tree is native to South America, South East Asia and Caribbean. The ancient Egyptians have consumed this spice since 2000 BC as an embalming agent. In fact, this treasured
03 Jul 2014
Diabetes 1 – Symptoms and Prevention

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes 1 or Diabetes Mellitus is a form of diabetes where the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas is destroyed resulting in the body producing insufficient insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is required to convert sugar and starch into energy since our body cannot directly utilize the sugar/glucose
27 Jun 2014
15 Amazing Foods That Are Good for the Heart

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world today. An unhealthy diet contributes in large part to an unhealthy heart. While genetics plays an important role, taking control of one’s diet and eating healthy food can in some way stem the onset of this dreaded disease.People who are at risk
26 Jun 2014
14 Effective Home Remedies That will Help you Get Rid of Ringworm
What is Ringworm? Ringworm or Dermatophytosis is a very common fungal infection of the skin which affects humans. Going by the name, one would assume ringworm to be caused by worms but actually it is caused by fungi. The fungi derive sustenance from keratin which is the material that makes up the outer layer
25 Jun 2014
14 Effective Home Remedies Against Scabies

Scabies is a highly contagious form of skin disease that is caused by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei. These 8-legged mites penetrate into the skin and lay eggs which spread the disease further. The most common symptom of scabies is the skin breaking out in rashes with there being a constant urge to scratch the
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