Health Care Archive
19 Jun 2014
18 Effective Home Remedies for Treating Headache
Headache is a common health problem, which affects almost everyone at some point in their life. Most of us suffer from mild to excruciating headache from time to time. It can even make your daily life miserable. Image Source Headache falls into three main categories: Vascular headache Tension headache Cluster headache Vascular headache is an
19 Jun 2014
Yeast Infection – Symptoms and Treatment
What is Yeast Infection? Yeast infection or candidiasis as it is technically referred to, is a kind of fungal infection that affects humans. Candidia yeast is normally found in the body of humans but their growth is limited by the immune responses of the individual. Healthy bacteria present in our body also help to
18 Jun 2014
Bronchitis – Symptoms and Treatment
What is Bronchitis? Our bronchial tubes perform the important function of carrying the air that we breathe in from the trachea to the lungs. Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract where the mucus membrane in the bronchial tubes gets inflamed due to a viral or bacterial infection. As a result of the swelling
17 Jun 2014
16 Amazing Home Remedies For Treating Lice
Lice are tiny, wingless parasites that live on the scalp and hair shaft and feed on human blood. These tiny menaces can evade the head and even home if left unchecked. People, mostly kids, usually get lice from coming in contact with the infected person in school, sleepovers and social gatherings. Sharing combs and hair
15 Jun 2014
15 Early Symptoms of Pregnancy
Many women who are pregnant say that they know exactly when they got pregnant while there are others who even after being pregnant for several weeks are still unsure about their status. The sure-shot way to know whether you are pregnant or not is by taking a pregnancy test but there are certain early symptoms
14 Jun 2014
14 Surprising Benefits of Green Tea That You Did Not Know About
Green tea is hailed as one of the healthiest drinks in the world. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medication to improve mental and heart health, control bleeding, improve digestion and heal wounds. Image Source Green tea, just like the other teas, is derived from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. The
14 Jun 2014
The Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
The apple cider vinegar has been used a remedy since time unknown. This revered tonic is believed to contain properties that can cure a variety of ailments. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermentation. The apple juice is first fermented into alcohol and the alcohol is later fermented into vinegar. Image Source Benefits of Apple
14 Jun 2014
18 Home remedies for Toothache
Toothache! The mere word can send chills down the spine. It is caused when pulp, the central portion of the tooth becomes inflamed. The tooth pulp is soft and spongy and contains several sensitive nerves and blood vessels. The pain can vary from mild soreness to unbearable pain in the teeth and around the jaws.
14 Jun 2014
17 Home Remedies for Sore Throat
A sore throat, medically known as Pharyngitis, is caused by viral infection related to cold and virus. It feels scratchy and itchy and may cause pain that makes it hard to talk or swallow. Image Source: The causes of sore throat: Irritation from a cold or flu Swelling of the tissues in the throat Overexertion
10 Jun 2014
Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
The human urinary tract comprises of the bladder and kidneys. An infection in any of these organs is termed as a urinary tract infection however generally the problem seems to be more in the bladder. UTI occurs more frequently in women than men apparently because women have shorter urethra so bacteria’s gain easier passage
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